What is the Rank Structure & Promotion in Indian Army

The Indian Army holds more than 1.4 million, with 1,223 thousand personnel below officers’ ranks and the rest at higher ranks according to the rank structures. And with such significant numbers, the Indian Army is the third-largest army in the world. 

In this article, we will share with you the rank structure of the Indian Army and the promotions that have been made in the fields. These promotions are based on each officer’s years of reckonable service in the Indian Army. 

Rank Structure and Promotions in Indian Army 

1. Acting Promotions in Peace and Field Concession Areas 

a. Substantive Promotion 

The officers capable of this type of promotion is upto Lieutenant Colonel, and the officers must have a rank of Colonel and above. 

b. Local Promotion

The local promotions are made in DSR Para 88 to the officers at local ranks only. 

Required Years of Commissioned Officers for Promotion 

Rank of Promotion Made in The ArmyCommissioned Officer’s Total Minimum ServiceRemarks
Captain1 year–
Major4 years3 years in Field.
Lieutenant Colonel7 yearsWith minimum service of one years in the rank of substantive Major.
Colonel8 years & 6 monthsWith minimum service of two years in the rank (s) of Major and above.
Brigadier12 yearsWith minimum service of three years in rank(s) of Lt. Col and above.
Major General20 years–
Lieutenant General25 years–

READ MORE: Indian Army Ranks and Salary [Salary by Rank]

Required Commissioned Service Years for Substantive Promotion 

RankMajor Arms/ServiceVet OfficersMFSL
Lieutenant Colonel13171313
Colonel (TS)26–2626
Colonel (Selection)15151515
Major General25(24)*–––
Lieutenant General28–––
GeneralNo restriction–––
Shubhangee Sharmahttp://www,ssbtosuccess.com
I love portraying my imagination through my writings and like when people learn from my own perspective. I thrive to write and give a different meaning to the world through my eyes.


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